EL KANTRI Youssef portfolio


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embedded systems projects :

Project 1: watering cattles controlled system

About : a prototype of a controlled system to solve the problem related to the watering of dairy cows

Included in the field of precision agriculture, this project aims to produce a prototype of a controlled system capable of automating the watering of dairy cows in buildings, based on the client-server architecture, a fairly interesting whose main assets are:

objectives of this system :


Project 2: data logger server

About : Collaborating on creating a controlled system to read from sensors using modbus protocole and raspberry pi 4 as a server

we used the raspberry pi as a server because it allows to connect several serial port slaves, using Modbus data communications protocol with RTU frame format, used on asynchronous serial data lines RS-485, for the backend we used django framework and the celery server to execute some background tasks with a specific periodicity

we have created this system using a master/slave architecture a solution that provides :

Project 3: Smart Irrigation

About : Collaborating on an edge computing system app related to precision farming field that collects information to monitor plants, intervenes for agricultural management, supervise the irrigation system in real time and automatically guide this process.

The entire system is powered by an electrical system ensuring optimal energy consumption. In his mobile / web application the user will be able to monitor this energy consumption. The irrigation system is therefore essentially based on:

Project 4: graphic interface with Matlab GUIDE for An App of Compressing data

this an application where we use matlab the backend and the front end to create an application to compress data using Huffman et Shanon-fano Algorithms then calculate the compression ratio for text, and performing the best methode (horizontal, vertical or zigzag) to read an image:


artificial intelligent projects :

Project 1: Training of a multi-sensor system for Covid-19 detection on existing thermal images

Report whose primary objective is to present the activities of an internship at the SIGERLaboratory. It includes the tools and the approach that can be used to fight Covid-19 using artificial intelligence. This project is the result of a two-months research and hard work at the SIGER Laboratory in Fez, in order to validate my second year of engineering cycle in embedded systems. The experience, relationships and interventionsof my internship supervisors have been very useful to reframe a study whose scopeis very wide. I wanted to study a topical and still little explored subject: “ Training of a multi-sensor system for Covid-19 detection on existing thermal images”. The choiceof the subject is, in fact, directly related to the recent news with the announcementmade by the World Health Organization on the danger of this virus and how it hasparalyzed the world economy.The SIGER Laboratory is specialized in innovativeresearch and therefore allowed us to study this trend closely and try to find a solution tofight against this virus . Our subject proposes a solution based on artificial intelligenceand machine learning to predict whether a person has the covid-19 or not based ontemperature, cough and respiratory rhythm which will be collected by a thermal cameraand microphones. For the training of the model we used an artificially created dataset while waiting to have the real data set, for the training algorithm we decided touse the SVM and random forest because they give good results on classification problems


Project 2: Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network CNN

About : The purpose of this project is to look at CNN architecture, and test its performance on the CIFAR-10 Dataset.

a classification approach based on convolutional neural networks , This project is divided into 4 parts:

for this we used a model with a specified architecture and we showed the different results obtained in terms of precision and error. The analysis of the results found has shown that the CNN is a very powerful way to classify image since it gives very high accuracy (86%) and low error.


Project 2: Arrow Detection classifier (convolutional neural network model)

about : A model to detect arrow’s direction using Convolutional Neural Network classifier.

it can be used to orient a robot in its way by reading the arrow’s direction to follow, up down left and right. this model can even predict images that has not seen before with very high probability which reflect the power of CNN models in classifying images.

Project 3: Movie Recommender System (Machine learning project)

about : Collaborating for improving a movie recommendation system using artificial intelligence under python

we have improved a system for recommending films. The goal of the system is to provide accurate movie recommendations to users. Typically, basic recommendation systems consider one of the following factors to generate recommendations:

website projects :

Project 1: food manager website

About : Collaborating on creating a website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL database and spoonacular API.

game projects :

Project 1: Flappy Man (2D Game - Java Swing)

about : Developing a 2D game using Java Swing Graphical interface and MYSQL database

Game play

Flappy Man is an arcade-style game in which the player controls the superman, which moves persistently to the right. The player is tasked with navigating superman through pairs of pipes that have equally sized gaps placed at random heights. superman automatically descends and only ascends when the player taps the touchscreen. Each successful pass through a pair of pipes awards the player one point. Colliding with a pipe or the ground ends the gameplay. During the game over screen, the player is awarded a bronze medal if they reached 3rd place, a silver medal for 2nd place and a gold medal if the 1st place is reached.